Discover the path to your truest self at Anima Ventus, a sanctuary of healing and transformation founded by Mike and Julia. Here, we dedicate ourselves to guiding you on an enlightening journey towards self-discovery, healing, and liberation. Our unique blend of services is thoughtfully designed to unlock the profound wisdom nestled within you, aligning you with the essence of who you truly are.

At Anima Ventus, we embrace a holistic philosophy deeply rooted in the natural elements – Earth, Air, Water, and Fire. These elemental forces form the four pillars of our transformative practice, each one offering a distinct pathway to balance and inner harmony.

Through this journey, you will explore the grounding stability of Earth, the clarity and freedom of Air, the emotional depth and healing of Water, and the transformative energy of Fire.

Earth (Terra) - Foundation and Stability

Subconscious Architecture Reading:

  • Rooted in the Earth element, this service provides a grounding foundation for our work. It offers deep insights into your life’s patterns, helping you build a strong base of self-understanding. This grounding is crucial for nurturing growth and stability in your journey of self-discovery..

Air (Ventus) - Clarity and Expansion

Exploratory Breath Journey:

  • Aligned with the Air element, our breathwork sessions open the doors to mental clarity and expanded consciousness. Breath, the essence of life, is used as a tool to clear the mind and invigorate the spirit, guiding you towards a clearer, more enlightened path.

Water (Aqua) - Emotional Expression and Release

Voice Activation and Empowerment Session:

  • Aligned with the fluid nature of Water, our Voice Activation and Empowerment Sessions focus on emotional release and expression. Discover the power of your voice to articulate and free deep-seated emotions, facilitating a journey of emotional healing and expressive liberation.

Fire (Flamma) - Transformation through Sound

Sound Breath Activation Alchemy:

  • Embracing the transformative energy of Fire, our Sound Breath Activation Alchemy sessions ignite a powerful process of personal renewal. Engage in a dynamic interplay of sound and breath to catalyze deep-rooted changes, fueling your journey towards self-discovery and renewal.

At the core of Anima Ventus, we focus on integrating these elements within you. Our approach ensures that you don’t just explore these aspects separately but learn to harmonize them, finding your center where true balance and wholeness reside. This holistic integration is the key to unlocking your fullest potential and living a life in true alignment with your essence.


"I feel deeply grateful to Mike for being the generous conduit for my encounter with the weaving wisdom of the Sphynx Code - a gift which emerged at a poignant time and has provided me a lantern with which to explore the layers and threads of my existence, and my place in the fabric of the story of life.

Approaching the reading felt like standing before a stained glass window, taking in all the many facets in the whole, and then peering through individual coloured panes exploring the perspective, sense and vibration of each alone and how they relate and merge with the whole.

My history, patterns, and ancestry were unveiled in sweet spooky accuracy and the energy that Mike held enabled me to feel deep softness and love for myself in the areas where opposing forces exist within me. The way in which the system reveals the profound support networks of energy and archetypes which accompany us through difficulty was emotional - it shared how struggle, friction, pressure and darkness are the birth places of profound beauty and infinite dancing potential.

I had a sense that the Sphynx Code holds both profound authority and a playful spirit that shines multicolored rays of light into entangled places and can guide you down a yellow brick road adventure toward your highest potential.

Mike has a beautiful gift in his holding and channeling of this system. He possesses a rare energetic poise which creates a space in which you feel your story is honoured and gently unearthed into soft sunlight. Having the map of your psyche & soul witnessed and unfolded is a vulnerable experience and Mike holds that so beautifully with sweetness and integrity and crystalline clarity.

Thank you Mike - I have no doubt the code chose you as one of its guardians and I’m so excited for all the many people who’ll encounter you both!"

—Sarah D. ~

“I have received many different kinds of readings throughout the years from various human beings. I love connecting with people and their gifts. No reading has quite been like the one with Mike. The sphinx code was something entirely new to me and Mikes special soul communicated everything to me in a way that left me speechless. So much of a reading is the person facilitating it and there is no one better at creating a safe and loving atmosphere to learn and discover. He is exceptional at holding space for both the beautiful lessons and the tougher challenges that come up. The tailored nature of the Sphinx code is bizarre and magical. Everything was so spot on and I signed off from the session with a warm heart and clarity I had needed about steps in healing emotional wounds. I cannot recommend this work enough and Mike is the human to guide you.” 

— Michelle G. ~ Author & Poet

“Wow! My first response is wow!

This reading came through for me in such an auspicious time and offered me strength, courage, affirmation and clarity for my path. It was amazing how beautifully you were able to touch on and articulate the energies that have been shaping my life, my childhood, my learning, my growth, my healing, and also the energies that are guiding me forward, into and through my purpose with fulfillment.

I see the information in the reading as a guide, a guide that offers direction and it has been very empowering and encouraging to receive this guidance. It strengthens my trust in being divinely guided and also my trust in myself.

And honestly wow, what a gift to be able to identify the energies that present themselves in my life, that present strengths, challenges and also opportunities to evolve into the highest expression of myself. My Sphinx Code blueprint has actually helped to decode these energies reminding me where my centre is and even helped me let go of some fear, uncovering and realigning myself with my deeper intentions and mission. Deep intentions and mission that I had awareness of before but sometimes can get dusty due to distractions, fears and limiting beliefs.

Thank you so much. I’m filled with gratitude, a sense of lightness and growing faith in myself that I’m on the right path.”

— Lidia ~ Acupuncturist & Artist

“Mike was AMAZING!!! So glad that I opted into his coaching option. Our virtual sessions kept me engaged and motivated. He always had a great way of keeping me on track while honoring my process. We are all so unique, and Mike understands that not all of us need the same thing. He really did an amazing job at meeting me where I needed to be met. His knowledge and his genuine passion for what he does really made a difference. I would recommend his work to anyone and everyone looking to create sustainable change within their mind, body, and soul!”

— Samuel S. ~ Father, Musician & Life Coach

“Experiencing the Sphinx Code and Mikes reading of my cards was truly incredible!

Discovering the wisdom as it unfolds in a reading with Mike is delivered with patience and nurture. I felt safe as some of these cards really dive deep into my past, which is so needed. Right throughout this journey with Mikes delivery of this knowledge I felt grounded, supported and expanded all at once. 

I’m still mind blown in all the right ways at the insights and illumination in past & present guidance through these beautiful cards. I gained such resonance and confirmation of the path I’m on & I am so grateful for this opportunity, I can’t wait to discover & integrate more!!”

— Jae Omnet ~ Empowering Energy Coach, Yoga & Reiki Guide